Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Art of Michael Whelan

I have been fond of this artist since I was a young teenager and would like to share some of his work.
Here is a picture of a painting he did of his daughter. It was to mark the point in her life where she is reaching womanhood. Background inspired by when he visited Australia.

I remember my mother reading a book called "The Stone of Farewell" which had a cover done by him.

I had a dream once where I had this image come to life, before I had seen this.
This painting is of an Anne McCathery book from the "Dragons of Pern" series.
This was a painting he made for a HP Lovecraft cover for some of his short stories.
Michael Whelan also did cover art for bands, like this one for Pantera.
One of my favorites is this one of Elric Demonslayer.
Sepultura cover.
Then he would do these amazingly peaceful paintings like this:
In a book of his works, he mentions how this series got a lot of feedback from people in his studio. They were assume the texture in this painting was actual texture, when in fact, the surface of the canvas was smooth.
I LOVED this album when I was a kid. Just found out today that Whelan actually painted the cover!

Here is a website that has a lot of his dragon paintings among other wonderful works of detail.

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